
Dxyfer for Sales

To successfully achieve targets, sales teams require timely information on client interactions, market trends and performance metrics.

The Challenge

Envision it’s the last quarter of the Financial Year and the CEO is seeking an urgent update on the sales pipeline. Current sales have been weaker than forecasted and as the Sales Manager, you need to quickly understand which deals are likely to close, compared to which require extra attention. With shareholder pressure mounting, how do you secure the bonus for a successful year?

Current Solutions

Currently, you may be juggling between different CRM tools, spreadsheets, emails and chat messaging for crucial information. This siloed approach results in missed opportunities and inefficiencies as information is scattered, in various formats and not easily shared or updated. This fragmentation creates a stressful search for data, resulting in overlooked opportunities and strained client relationships.

Our Solution

Dxyfer provides a unified platform for instant data analysis and visualisation. Using Dxyfer’s, ‘Ask Data’ feature you simply ask, ‘Which deals have an 80% likelihood of closing this quarter?’ Instantly, you will receive a visual and updated overview, enabling you to strategise effectively and confidently collaborate with your team. Importantly, you can compare sales of previous years to assess the marketing strategies deployed, and the success rate.

It’s like transforming chaos into clarity, ensuring no opportunities slip through the cracks.


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