Choose your plan

Save 33%
  • Yearly
  • Monthly
  • USD
  • AUD


For Personal Use


  • • 150 Credits/Month
  • • 15 Questions/Day
  • • 5 Max File/Month

Key Features
  • ✓ Excel/CSV Data Files
  • ✓ Dxyfer Support Bot
  • ✓ Conversational Insights & Analysis
  • ✓ PDF/Word/PowerPoint Document


For Professionals


per month
  • • 3000 Credits/Month
  • • Unlimited Questions/Day
  • • Unlimited Max File/Month

Everything in Starter, plus
  • ✓ Email Support
  • ✓ Multi-lingual Responses
  • ✓ Generative BI Dashboards
  • ✓ Document & Cloud Integration


For Teams


per user/month
Min 5 users
  • • 3000 Credits/Month
  • • Unlimited Questions/Day
  • • Unlimited Max File/Month

Everything in Pro, plus
  • ✓ Team Conversations
  • ✓ Dedicated Onboarding
  • ✓ Dashboard Notification
  • ✓ Sharing of data sources


For Teams with Customizations

Let’s Talk

  • • Unlimited Credits/Month
  • • Unlimited Questions/Day
  • • Unlimited Max File/Month

Everything in Business, plus
  • ✓ Predictive Modeling
  • ✓ Custom Data Integrations
  • ✓ Dedicated Account Manager
  • ✓ Fine-tuned Language Models


For Personal Use


  • • 150 Credits/Month
  • • 15 Questions/Day
  • • 5 Max File/Month

Key Features
  • ✓ Excel/CSV Data Files
  • ✓ Dxyfer Support Bot
  • ✓ Conversational Insights & Analysis
  • ✓ PDF/Word/PowerPoint Document


For Professionals


per month
(Billed Annually)
  • • 3000 Credits/Month
  • • Unlimited Questions/Day
  • • Unlimited Max File/Month

Everything in Starter, plus
  • ✓ Email Support
  • ✓ Multi-lingual Responses
  • ✓ Generative BI Dashboards
  • ✓ Document & Cloud Integration


For Teams


per user/month
Min 5 users
  • • 3000 Credits/Month
  • • Unlimited Questions/Day
  • • Unlimited Max File/Month

Everything in Pro, plus
  • ✓ Team Conversations
  • ✓ Dedicated Onboarding
  • ✓ Dashboard Notification
  • ✓ Sharing of data sources


For Teams with Customizations

Let’s Talk

  • • Unlimited Credits/Month
  • • Unlimited Questions/Day
  • • Unlimited Max File/Month

Everything in Business, plus
  • ✓ Predictive Modeling
  • ✓ Custom Data Integrations
  • ✓ Dedicated Account Manager
  • ✓ Fine-tuned Language Models

compare plans

Additional add-ons

Grow as you need with Optional Add-ons to suit your need.

OCR for AskDocs

AskDocs’ OCR feature converts images and scanned documents into searchable text, ensuring accurate data extraction.

Coming Soon!


Are you a Super user looking for more flexibility? Supercharge your experience with additional credits!

Coming Soon!

Anomaly Detection for AutoDash

Identify unusual patterns with AutoDash’s Anomaly Detection, automatically flagging outliers to ensure data integrity.

Coming Soon!

Predict Data

Foresee future trends with AutoDash’s Prediction feature, using advanced algorithms to forecast data and inform decisions.

Coming Soon!



per month



per month



per user/month billed annually

Ask Data
Data Source & Integrations
Self-Service Analytics
Ask Docs
Auto Dash
Team Administration
Usage Limits

Compare Plans



per month

Ask Data
Data Source & Integrations
Self-Service Analytics
Ask Docs
Auto Dash
Team Administration
Usage Limits



per month

Ask Data
Data Source & Integrations
Self-Service Analytics
Ask Docs
Auto Dash
Team Administration
Usage Limits



per user/month billed annually

Ask Data
Data Source & Integrations
Self-Service Analytics
Ask Docs
Auto Dash
Team Administration
Usage Limits

Have A Question?

We are here
to help!

We’ve compiled some commonly asked questions to provide more information about Dxyfer, its features and the value it instantaneously brings to organizations.

  • Q.How does Dxyfer secure my data?

    We strictly adhere to industry-standard protocols to guarantee information security with data encryption.

    Our unique AI technology provides accurate insights by only analyzing the metadata - no copying or storing data externally. Your data remains secure and confidential.

  • Q.What makes Dxyfer unique?

    Dxyfer is an AI-based augmented intelligence tool with exceptional design, unmatched capabilities and accuracy.

    Our AI uses our custom-built algorithms and advanced neural networks to analyze numerical and text-based information with speed, accuracy and efficiency. The outcome is easy to interpret insights and visuals for decision making – through simple conversations!

  • Q.Does Dxyfer integrate with ERP systems?

    Absolutely! Dxyfer provides seamless ERP integration options, with minimal cost and effort.

    Dxyfer is system and industry agnostic allowing organizations to easily incorporate AI functionality into existing ERP systems, business tools and information management platforms.

  • Q.Can I speak to Dxyfer in my language?

    Definitely! Dxyfer is proficient in multiple languages and various linguistic settings.

    This is part of our mission to simplify the adoption of data and information for all users, irrespective of diversity, background or analytical competency.

  • Q.Do I need to be analytical to use Dxyfer?

    Not at all. There’s no need to learn coding, database management or document integration.

    Dxyfer’s intuitive and user-friendly design enables anyone to interact and acquire instantaneous insights using plain language.

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